HE Module (Static Inlet)
Claudius Peters has supplied coolers for many years with a static grate in the inlet zone of the clinker cooler, called the HE module.
In this zone, a high-targeted air supply ensures rapid cooling of the clinker, thus ensuring good clinker quality and a high recuperation air temperature. This is the prerequisite for an energy-efficient kiln system and a high use of secondary fuels.
In recent years, the HE module has been developed to achieve a long service life with low-pressure losses, reducing operating costs to a minimum.
The refractory narrowing and the air cannons in the side area of the HE module ensure an excellent distribution of the clinker on the following grate and the best possible reduction of snowman formation.

A Claudius Peters High-Efficiency Module (HE-Module) can be retrofitted at the Kiln Drop Zone.
It can be added to all types of existing coolers to:
- Increase the lifetime of grate plates at the inlet area
- Optimize the material distribution at the Cooler inlet
- Increase recuperation air temperature and hence, the efficiency of the clinker cooler.
The cost effective low pressure and modular design very often allows the reuse of existing fans and an installation during yearly maintenance stoppage.
For ‘snow man’ prevention, Claudius Peters provides a special horse shoe design in combination with field aeration and automatic air cannon system.