Calcining Test Facility
The EM Mill
The EM Mill allows for very high inlet temperatures, as the grinding elements move freely inside the grinding ring.
This high inlet temperature, alongside its very consistent product quality, makes the EM Mill an ideal solution for gypsum – a fact that is well known and proven. However, the EM Mill at the Technikum has been used successfully to grind other materials, including calcined petcoke, coal, bentonite, clay, limestone, minerals, sewage sludge and titanium ore.
In addition to the EM Mill, the Technikum hosts the following range of calciners and kilns that are available for product testing.
Flash calciner
- Direct calcining of fine raw materials
- Two-stage flash calcining
For temperatures between 400°C and 800°C and very low retention times, the flash calciner is the ideal tool. A semi-industrial scale plant is available at the Technikum.
Horizontal Impact Calciner
- Direct calcining of fine raw materials
- Deagglomerates only
The Horizontal Impact Calciner (HIC) was developed specifically for the calcining of synthetic gypsum. With no grinding of this material needed, the HIC is designed to deagglomerate the feed material only.

Rotary kiln
- Controlled temperature
- Long retention time
For installations that require rotary thermal process technologies, our partner, JND, supplies electrically-heated rotary kilns. Small-scale versions are available at the Technikum for material testing at temperatures up to 1000°C and retention times up to 1 hour.