Manuseio de Carvão e Cinzas Volantes em Usinas Termoelétricas
Sempre focando o futuro, a Claudius Peters é conhecida por desenvolver equipamentos de baixo consumo de energia para manuseio de carvão e para processamento de cinzas volantes (fly ash), com alta confiabilidade, apresentando baixo custo de operação aliado à excelente disponibilidade.
Nesta indústria, fornecemos várias tecnologias desde pátios de estocagem, moinhos, sistemas de injeção e dosagem, transporte pneumático, mistura a seco, até o condicionamento e estocagem das cinzas. Desenvolvemos sistemas modernos com alta eficiência, baixo consumo e avançada tecnologia de segurança – nossa visão não apenas nos posiciona na tecnologia de ponta, como também mantém nossos clientes um passo à frente da concorrência, além de sempre estar com processos adequados às leis regulatórias.
A Claudius Peters é uma das poucas empresas que fornecem armazenamento e transporte para todos os materiais a granel – de carvão ou combustíveis sólidos até cinzas e produtos similares.
Market Sector
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Ash Handling
When discussing the energy sources available for the generation of power in addition to gas and oil, the combustion of coal still plays a major role.
Calcining Technology
Claudius Peters can be your full line supplier for your gypsum processing system.
Clinker Coolers
When producing cement, the clinker cooler plays a decisive role downstream of the clinker production pyro process.
Dry Mortar & Mixing
Claudius Peters (CP) is a leading partner for the cement and building materials industry worldwide. Our vast product range is tailor-designed to meet the individual demands of every client, providing a complete solution.
Mineral Grinding Technology
Claudius Peters is widely acknowledged as one of the foremost authorities on coal and mineral grinding technology.
Packing and Palletizing
A large part of the most powerful packers and palletizers in use worldwide today come from Claudius Peters.
Pneumatic Conveying
As one of the world’s leading names in the supply of systems and equipment for the pneumatic transport of dry materials in large quantities, you would expect us to know a thing or two about innovation, and you would be right.
Pulverized Fuel Injection
Pulverized coal injection or ‘PCI’ technology is just one area where Claudius Peters brings together several of its ‘Techniks’ to offer a comprehensive turnkey system.
Silos Technology
Our groundbreaking technology is also prevalent in high capacity bulk storage and mixing silos.
Stockyard Technology
Claudius Peters expertise in stockyard materials handling has been gained in over a hundred installations worldwide across a wide range of bulk materials, capacities and configurations.